Progress on my landscape despite late freezes

This spring in Grand Junction has been one of the coldest in history. Certainly the coldest spring since we moved to town in 1998. Along with those cold temperatures came much needed precipitation in the form of snow and rain.

5″ of snow on April 17th in my backyard

During this week, the temperatures dropped to the low and mid 20’s. Devastating to the local fruit growers and not especially kind to the early flowering trees and shrubs. The cover picture on my facebook page shows my mature Eastern Redbud tree in it normal mid April glory. A sight to behold for sure. Here is what that same tree looks like today.

Eastern Redbud tree with little to no blossoms

Hardly any blossoms and large numbers of seedheads still present. Not sure why I have so many more seedheads but the lack of blossoms is disappointing. Its no consolation that every other redbud tree in town looks the same. I think the late freezes are to blame.

Other areas of the garden are looking good and greening up nicely.

Ft. McNair red horsechestnut starting to leaf out.



Zauschneria greening up under Miss Kim lilac.
Hostas coming alive under the deck.

I’m looking forward to warmer temperatures sticking around for awhile. It would be nice to have a good long Spring before the sizzling Summer comes to town!