Author Archives: KathyK

Evolution of a Garden project – The Enterprise Building in downtown Grand Junction

One of my favorite garden design clients is Dena Carpenter and the Enterprise Building in downtown Grand Junction. We started collaborating on designing the 20 built-in planters of the Enterprise building way back in Spring of 2007. Dena is an avid gardener and has always worked with me in the design and installation of the planters.

The planters before they were planted.

Because this building is over 100 years old and has a Victorian look to it, I wanted to add plants that were appropriate to the era and enhanced the colors on the exterior of the building.

Snap dragons, coleus, purple fountain grass and sweet potato vine add color and texture.

The first year, we planted purple fountain grass, snapdragons, coleus, roses, fuchsia, petunias and salvias. Very colorful, old fashioned plants that really worked with our color palette.

Marigolds and geraniums add season long color.

Over the years, we have added perennials such as groundcover roses, yarrow and lavender.

Licorice plant adds great texture and softens edges of the planter.


Brand new plants for 2011.

This year we planted lots of color using tried and true selections. We have also added dahlias and herbs. We planted rosemary, chives and parsley. The herbs have been very successful and add lots of fragrance.

We are very pleased with how the planters have evolved over the years and receive many positive comments from the public all the time. Next time you’re downtown, please take a moment to visit our beautiful planters. Take some ideas from these combinations and apply them to your landscape or pots.

If you want help bringing more color to your landscape just give me a call!  I will be glad to help. – Kathy